iNaturalist ‘How To’ – Community Office Hours – March

Online - MS Teams

Have questions about using the iNaturalist platform? We're here to help! Join us during this Community Office Hour to learn more about using iNaturalist and troubleshoot any of your issues. These Office Hours will be hosted through Microsoft Teams. Please note, you do not a MS Teams account to join, but you may need to

Forest Health Q&A – Community Office Hour – March

Online - MS Teams

Have questions about forest health? Want to learn more about the Forest Health Watch program? Join us during this office hour to ask questions and learn about the issues affecting forests in the Pacific Northwest. Share your perspective about forest health issues in the region, community engagement, or anything else. Anyone is welcome! These Office

Tribal Community Office Hours (for tribal members) – March

Online - Microsoft Teams Meeting

These meetings are hosted specifically for tribes and tribal members. We will be available to listen and discuss any plant health issues every third Monday of the month. We welcome any teachings and feedback, and we will do our best to listen and amplify voices and brainstorm how we can help find solutions. No registration

iNaturalist ‘How To’ – Community Office Hours – April – Cancelled

Online - MS Teams

We're sorry but the below event has been canceled because of a conflict with another important event. Please contact us if you would like to reschedule a personal training with iNaturalist. We enjoy helping others learn how to use iNaturalist so please don't hesitate to contact us.    

Forest Health Q&A – Community Office Hour – April

Online - MS Teams

Have questions about forest health? Want to learn more about the Forest Health Watch program? Join us during this office hour to ask questions and learn about the issues affecting forests in the Pacific Northwest. Share your perspective about forest health issues in the region, community engagement, or anything else. Anyone is welcome! These Office

Tribal Community Office Hours (for tribal members) – April

Online - Microsoft Teams Meeting

These meetings are hosted specifically for tribes and tribal members. We will be available to listen and discuss any plant health issues every third Monday of the month. We welcome any teachings and feedback, and we will do our best to listen and amplify voices and brainstorm how we can help find solutions. No registration

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