PNW Forest Biosurveillance Training – October

Join us for a presentation and discussion about forest biosurveillance in the Pacific Northwest. We will use this time to: summarize current biosecurity efforts and concerns in the region, share information to help recognize the signs and symptoms of unhealthy trees, provide resources for identifying common diseases and insect pests, highlight emerging tree pest and

Sooty Bark Disease Information Session – November

Online - Microsoft Teams Meeting

Have questions about Sooty Bark Disease? Join us for a presentation and discussion about Sooty Bark Disease in the Pacific Northwest.  The event will be held virtually using Microsoft Teams at 12pm PDT on November 3rd. We will give a brief intro, highlight some of the signs and symptoms to look for, and try to

Western Redcedar Research Update – November

Join us for a presentation and discussion about the dieback of western redcedar, the ways you can help, and the patterns we're seeing. This event will be hosted through Microsoft Teams. Please note, you do not a MS Teams account to join, but you may need to download the MS Teams software or app. Register

Tribal Community Office Hours (for tribal members) – Forest Health Discussions – November

Online - Microsoft Teams Meeting

These meetings are hosted specifically for tribes and tribal members. We will be available to listen and discuss any plant health issues every third Monday of the month. We welcome any teachings and feedback, and we will do our best to listen and help combine our knowledge to find solutions. No registration required, but participants

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