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    News About Us

    (most recent news first)
    1. Hulbert JM. Pacific Northwest Forest Bio-Surveillance Training Available. DNR & WSU Forest Stewardship Notes. June 3, 2021.
    2. King Conservation District, Get involved in community forestry studies. April 29, 2021.
    3. Portland Parks and Recreation, Tree Bark. Did you know you can be a community scientist?  March 24, 2021.
    4. Green Seattle Partnership c/o Forterra. Community Science Opportunity. December 22, 2020.
    5. Hulbert JM. You can contribute to western redcedar dieback research. DNR Small Forest Landowner News. December 8, 2020.
    6. Hulbert JM. Forest Health Watch – a new community science initiative in the Northwest. DNR & WSU Forest Stewardship Notes. October 1, 2020.
    Other online references
    1. Climate Conversations, Forest Health and Climate Change Featuring Joey Hulbert. May 23, 2021.
    2. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Measuring Forest Health, Wild Washington Curriculum. April 2021.
    3. Fox T. The UX of climate change: western redcedar dieback. UW Human Centered Design and Engineering Directed Research Group,  Winter 2021 .
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