Support this Program

More support = | impact
"Your tax-deductible gift, whether its a cup of coffee or something greater, will help us impact more communities and make more discoveries together."
Joey Hulbert
Program Director


Gifts to the Forest Health Watch program can be made through the WSU Foundation. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Tax Deduction
The WSU Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is structurally separate from Washington State University and exists solely for WSU’s benefit, serving as the preferred channel for private gifts to all areas of the University. The WSU Foundation’s taxpayer identification number is 91-1075542. More information here.

*Note the WSU Foundation requires a 5% advancement fee for gifts. More information about the fees are available here.

Support this program with a check

When making a gift by check, please remember to include a contribution card or a statement indicating the gift is for the Forest Health Watch. Gifts made by check should be payable to the WSU Foundation and mailed to:

Washington State University Foundation
PO Box 641927
Pullman, WA  99164-1927

We are grateful for the remarkable support we receive to grow and sustain the Forest Health Watch program.
Thank you—you are the roots of our forest!

Support and Sponsorship

Make science and education
go faster and farther

Please contact us if you're interested in
supporting this initiative.

Any form of sponsorship
is welcome

Connect with us to provide resources to communities, celebrate learning, or reward meaningful stewardship.

We have many opportunities and ideas for giving back to communities!
Contact us to discuss the ways we can partner in giving back.
Joey Hulbert
Program Director
Contact Us